Sunday, April 20, 2014

Polished CAT 3406B Turbo!

 New look of Engine from driver's side.
 Polished out Turbo installed.
 Turbo compressor housing did polish out real nice and looks super cool with chromed oil lines.
 Here can be seen chromed turbo cross-over pipe from turbo to intake manifold and polished aluminum housing which mounts to aftercooler.
Overall looks of the engine did approve a lot. We are very happy to the final looks.
All parts which were sent out for chroming are now installed back as well as the aluminum parts witch were polished. Coolest detail on new looks of the engine is polished out turbo compressor housing. It took quite some effort to get it smooth and all polished, but sure was worth of all the sweat involved. We like a lot how chromed and polished parts look with candy red color used on the engine.
Moore updates will fallow!
Nyt on kaikki kromautetut osat sekä kiillotetut alumiiniosat saatu takaisin pakalleen moottoriin. Ehdottamasti coolein osa on kiillotettu turbon painepesä, joka vaati melkoisesti työtä, mutta oli vaivan arvoinen. Kromatut ja kiillotetut osat luovat upean koknaisuuden candy punaisen moottorin kanssa. Lopputulokseen on pakko olla tyytyväinen!
Lisää päivityksiä tulossa pian!

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