Thursday, February 25, 2010
Teho Kisat Rekoille!!!
Autosähkö ja Dieselhuolto Häkkinen Oy ja HiPer Express järjestää lauantaina 8.5.2010 ammattiliikenteessä oleville kuorma-autoille tehokilpailut Häkkisen MAHA - tehodynamometrissa, osoitteessa Autokatu 1 20380 Turku. Tapahtuma alkaa klo. 10.00 .
Kilpailussa jaetaan pokaalit kolmelle parhaalle ‘suurin pyöräteho moottorin litratilavuutta kohden’- menetelmällä sekä ‘Power King’- palkinto suurimman pyöräteholukeman saavuttaneelle. Lisäksi Häkkinen tarjoaa -25% alennuksen listahinnoista kaikista tapahtuman aikana varatuista ohjelmapäivityksistä sekä kilpailijoille että yleisölle.
Autot pitää olla rekisteröity luvanvaraiseen liikenteeseen, liikennevakuutettu sekä katsastettu. Kokonaispaino vähintään 16t. Osallistuminen mahdollista myös telivetoisella autolla.
Osallistumismaksu 60 euroa sisältäen ALV:n.
Ennakkoilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoja sähköpostilla: powerday2010(at) tai puhelimella 0407388301. Ilmoittakaa yrityksen nimi ja yhteystiedot, auton rekisterinumero, merkki ja malli. 15 ensimmäiseksi ilmoittautunutta otetaan mukaan, jos aikaa riittää niin voidaan ottaa lisää paikanpäällä ilmoittautuneita. Ennakkoon ilmoittautuneille lähetetään lasku joka pitää olla maksettu ennen kuin ilmoittautuminen on voimassa. Peruutukset viimeistään 7 vuorokautta ennen tapahtumaa.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
For Sale!!!
Used pair of original Kenworth W900A exhaust stacks with mufflers and heatshields. Pipes are chromed and heatshield is stainless steel. Sold as pair for 380eur.
Käytetyt pystypakoputket (pari), alkuper. Kenworth. Putket kromattu, lämpöritilät rst. Sis: ylä ja alaputket, äänenvaimentimet ja lämpöritilät. Hinta: 380eur/pari.
Käytetyt pystypakoputket (pari), alkuper. Kenworth. Putket kromattu, lämpöritilät rst. Sis: ylä ja alaputket, äänenvaimentimet ja lämpöritilät. Hinta: 380eur/pari.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Wheelbase Extended!!!
Extra length was welded in the middle. We used original KW frame rail pieces to make perfect fit and to be sure frame rail material being exactly same.
Inside of the frame rails and new inserts we fabricated were cleaned and sanded carefully. Then they were triple painted with the best epoxypaint available. Before bolting inserts in I sprayed on special anticorrosion material to both mounting surfaces (inserts and inside the rails).
Project is getting visible progress slowly but steady. I'm working on the project every single day. Idea is get something done each day no matter if only small airline bracket or bigger piece, main thing is something is done daily. Newiest addition to project is longer wheelbase. New WB is 282 inches (measured to middle of the rear ales)!!! Everything for the extension job was done in-house with help of my good friend Harri Hulkkonen and my dad Martti "Myrä" Löppönen. Even the new drivesaft is self made! Thank to Mr. Jyrki Järvinen from the pieces of frame rails.
Some details about the extension job. We studiet all the information we could before the job.We were really precise with measures and everyhting we did. All measures were made to perfect before welding and were checked all the time during welding and after. To strengthten the extension points on rails we used very long sleeves made out from 6mm (1/4'') thick steel with compression fit inside the frame rails. Sleeves are bolted in with 14mm special frame flange bolts. Extra crossmember was add and both weldpoints are supported by crossmembers.
Stay tuned for more updates!!!
Project is getting visible progress slowly but steady. I'm working on the project every single day. Idea is get something done each day no matter if only small airline bracket or bigger piece, main thing is something is done daily. Newiest addition to project is longer wheelbase. New WB is 282 inches (measured to middle of the rear ales)!!! Everything for the extension job was done in-house with help of my good friend Harri Hulkkonen and my dad Martti "Myrä" Löppönen. Even the new drivesaft is self made! Thank to Mr. Jyrki Järvinen from the pieces of frame rails.
Some details about the extension job. We studiet all the information we could before the job.We were really precise with measures and everyhting we did. All measures were made to perfect before welding and were checked all the time during welding and after. To strengthten the extension points on rails we used very long sleeves made out from 6mm (1/4'') thick steel with compression fit inside the frame rails. Sleeves are bolted in with 14mm special frame flange bolts. Extra crossmember was add and both weldpoints are supported by crossmembers.
Stay tuned for more updates!!!
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