Wednesday, May 25, 2011

KW W900B Rekisteröity / DOT Inspection done!

Kilvet tuli!!! Tänään rekisteröintikatsastettiin tuoreeltaan reilu viikko sitten maahantullut jenkkirekka, Kenworth W900B. Auto on järjestyksessään 9 jonka olemme rekisteröintikatsastaneet Suomeen, jälleen ongelmitta. Onnea Tomille!

Paikalle saapui myös toinen Kenworth, W900A '78, jonka maahantoimme ja rekisteröimme 2010. Marko on tehnyt talven aikana autoon paljon parannuksia, hyvältä näyttää!

We got freshly Finland imported Kenworth W900B DOT inspected today! Truck is 9th US-truck we have got DOT proved on the road to Finland.

Owner of the black W900A '78 also dropped by with his great looking ride. This truck was imported and DOT inspected by us at 2010. Since that Marko has done alot of custom work to it and truck looks awesome. Good work Marko!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

W900A Fiberglass Headliner!

Here's few pictures from new custom made fiberglass headliner I made for Silicone Express II. I got help from my good friend Marko Seppänen with fiberglass work and wanna thank him from great work he did with it. Basic shape of the headliner reminds alot of the original one, but from closer look there's various changes done to it to get more clean custom look. I personally like the out come alot.

I also hand made mirror shine stainless cover pieces above the windshield and both windshield posts. Placed red LED-lights on the headliner and added small chrome naked ladies to speaker covers.

Interior will have few more tricks to come so stay tuned!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lisää Jenkkirekkoja Suomeen / One More US-Truck to Finland!

Kenworth and it's broud new owner at port of Kotka, Finland.

Suomen jenkkirekkakanta on kasvanut jälleen yhdellä, juuri maahantuomallamme Kenworth W900B veturilla. Parhaillaan siihen tehdään tarvittavia katsastusvalmisteluita ja se tullaan katsastamaan lähiaikoina. Autoa voi bongailla Kouvolan suunnalla.

Paljon onnea uudelle harrastajalle!

We have just imported one US-truck more to Finland. At the moment truck is being prepaired for DOT-inspection done withing next few days. Truck can be seen mostly at Kouvola area in Finland.

Concratulations to Tomi!