Project is getting visible progress slowly but steady. I'm working on the project every single day. Idea is get something done each day no matter if only small airline bracket or bigger piece, main thing is something is done daily. Newiest addition to project is longer wheelbase. New WB is 282 inches (measured to middle of the rear ales)!!! Everything for the extension job was done in-house with help of my good friend Harri Hulkkonen and my dad Martti "Myrä" Löppönen. Even the new drivesaft is self made! Thank to Mr. Jyrki Järvinen from the pieces of frame rails.
Some details about the extension job. We studiet all the information we could before the job.We were really precise with measures and everyhting we did. All measures were made to perfect before welding and were checked all the time during welding and after. To strengthten the extension points on rails we used very long sleeves made out from 6mm (1/4'') thick steel with compression fit inside the frame rails. Sleeves are bolted in with 14mm special frame flange bolts. Extra crossmember was add and both weldpoints are supported by crossmembers.
Stay tuned for more updates!!!
Hyvä Juice! Rekkanetin ylläpito toivottaa menestystä projektin parissa!
I think that gonna be a beautiful truck, I love trucks with long wheelbase.
Thank you guys from nice comments =). Support is really needed to make this project happen.
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