Flame design layed on and waiting the first layer of paint to be sprayed.

Painted interior panels are placed in. Note the headliner made out of fiberclass and painted to mach the exterior with flame design. Still some work will be done to the interior, like fiberclass door panels for excample.

The engine bay id made to fit the other features of the car. Good work Harry!

Ice Cold as Finnish winter!

Me painting stripes to the Freightliner.

Custom hand made Stainless panels are test fitted before frame sandplasting and painting to black.

This was how the Freight Shaker looked like when I started workin' with it.

Rear wiev before I started with it.

After new stripes and fresh paint on the frame. The grille is wrapped inside stainless, emblems are custom painted, engine turned s.s. rear fenders, new plate hanger under front bumber and all new roof and side marker lights, new custom built straight 5'5" stainless stacks and meny other features were made. Truck still has lotta to do. Next fuel tanks will be polished.
Here's few pictures from two projects I've been workin' with lately. At Tuner Car project my share has been laying on the flame graphics inside out to the car. Also have helped the owner Harry H. with few smaller details. Other than that the owner have made almost all by him self
including fiberglass bumbers and stainless pieces.
Freightliner FLT '85 is powered with CAT 3406B 400hp, but the engine has been tuned up quite a bit by all the black smoke and great pull it puts out. Transmission is 13 speed O/D Fuller and rear gears 3,73 Rockwells. Tires are very high 12R22,5's for constraction use. It has 20 metric ton roll-off body installed in Finland. Truck will be workin truck all year round and is based around Imatra area.