This awesome picture about me inside my rig is taken by very talented young photographer Anni Löppönen. Check out more Anni's great work at:
Interior is almost done! Only few small details to go, for exsample blue LED's to light up the flames above the sleeper opening, paint the C.B. to mach, few dash indication lights etc. Please notice that the panel above the windshield is stainless (made in house) not painted red as it looks like. And the plastic piece above it where the CD player is ain't black it's painted to mach the dash. Engine project starts up at next week, so keep on tune!
Well... What I can say. I'm the one who was always the "glown" of the class b/c I did always my things the way I wanted. I have never given a sh... about what others say about my likes and dis-likes. I've always dered to be different. I got my first cowboy boots an ege of two. And fell in love to trucks at same age. Ok, now meny of you think I'm an assh... full of my self. Well then I am. But I'm also that "small"kid who always have had dreams for what I want. So far I've managed to pull them trhrough, luckely.
Well, I have silicone fitness babe, wonderful son, my own truck I own, huge country record collection and thrill to do what'tha heck I ever wanna do. I honer people who live their dream and NOT dream their life and people who dere to be different. I don't meen bankrobbers or other criminals. I meen outlaws like Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Hank III, shooter Jennings, Scott H. Biram and so on. Who does what they like and they way they want.
I do my thing, do you your thing, ok! I don't mind about keepin' up with the jones!